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Common applications of starch syrup

Starch syrup, also known as glucose syrup or corn syrup, is a sweet, thick liquid that is made by breaking down starch molecules into simpler sugars. It has a variety of applications in food and non-food industries. Here are some common applications of starch syrup:

    Food industry: Starch syrup is widely used in the food industry as a sweetener, thickener, and humectant. It is commonly found in confectionery, baked goods, ice cream, and beverages. It also helps to improve texture, increase shelf life, and prevent crystallization in food products.

    Pharmaceutical industry: Starch syrup is used in the production of cough syrups and other liquid medications as a thickening agent and sweetener. It also helps to improve the taste and palatability of medications.

    Industrial applications: Starch syrup is used in the production of paper, textiles, and adhesives as a binder and thickener. It is also used in the production of ethanol as a fermentation feedstock.

    Animal feed industry: Starch syrup is used in animal feed as a source of energy and to improve the texture of feed pellets.

    Personal care products: Starch syrup is used in personal care products such as lotions, shampoos, and conditioners as a thickener and humectant. It helps to improve the texture and feel of these products.

Overall, starch syrup has a wide range of applications due to its sweetening, thickening, and humectant properties. Its versatility has made it an important ingredient in many industries.