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Development and Utilization of Organic Rice Protein

The research on organic rice protein in China mainly focuses on basic research in extraction, characteristics, and comprehensive utilization. There is still great room for progress in research on extraction process innovation and functional nutrition development. At the same time, for the transformation of existing research results, most domestic enterprises focus on the extraction and preparation module of organic rice protein. What is the current status of development and utilization?

High protein nutritional supplements
Due to its reasonable amino acid composition, unique hypoallergenicity, and high biological effects, organic rice protein is the first choice of high-quality plant protein for special populations when supplementing nutrients. Some plant or animal proteins have anti nutritional factors, such as trypsin inhibitors in soybeans, stachyose, and thromboplastin, mucin in eggs, and β- Lactoglobulin, etc. Compared with the above proteins, the allergenicity is extremely low, and can be added to infant food as a substitute for other plant proteins such as soy protein and animal protein. It is an important protein source for infant food.

Active peptide
Organic rice protein hydrolysates contain a variety of small molecular peptides with physiological activity, which have the effects of lowering blood pressure, anti aging, reducing cholesterol content, and enhancing human immunity.

food additives
The solubility of organic rice protein itself is not high, and its related functional properties such as emulsification, foaming, gelling, water retention, and oil retention are also not ideal. However, after moderate hydrolysis, its functional properties are significantly improved as its solubility increases.

edible film
Edible film is a new type of food packaging material that has rapidly developed to meet the convenience and pollution-free requirements of consumers for food packaging. It has good gas resistance, oil resistance, and aroma retention properties. The research on edible rice films not only conforms to the needs of international environmental protection for development trends, but also is a forward-looking exploration for the comprehensive development and utilization of organic rice proteins. Using organic rice protein to produce green plastic and edible packaging film materials is one of the important links in the comprehensive utilization technology of rice.