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Rice protein is a vegan-friendly and non-GMO plant-based alternative to whey and soy proteins

Rice protein is a vegan-friendly, low-carbohydrate, low-fat, and non-GMO plant-based alternative to whey and soy proteins. It’s often found in powder form, and has a more noticeable flavour than pea and hemp protein powders.
Research shows that it’s just as effective as whey protein to stimulate muscle growth and increase strength, and is a great choice for those with dairy allergies or intolerances.
1. High in Amino Acids
Rice protein is an excellent source of amino acids, especially if you choose organic brown rice. It also contains vitamin C and iron, both of which are essential nutrients for the body.
Although whey proteins are widely used, research shows that rice protein supports muscle and strength gains just as well. In fact, in one study, MMA fighters who supplemented with rice protein gained more lean muscle and lost less fat than those who consumed a whey-based powder.
However, since it is naturally lacking in lysine, rice protein is not considered a complete protein. To address this, many brands combine it with pea protein to create a balanced protein blend that is vegan and hypoallergenic. It is also gluten free and requires fewer natural resources to produce than dairy proteins, making it a great choice for those with sensitivities or allergies.
2. Low in Carbohydrates
Rice protein powder is a great option for anyone wanting to increase their protein intake, especially those with sensitivities to dairy. It is also hypoallergenic.
Brown rice protein powder contains all the branched-chain amino acids (leucine, isoleucine and valine), which help prevent muscle breakdown during exercise and stimulate muscle growth. It also contains lysine which is an essential amino acid.
However, rice protein lacks a key amino acid called phenylalanine which is required for the production of certain hormones. For this reason, it is often mixed with other plant proteins such as pea protein and hemp protein. This combination helps to ensure the product is complete and therefore provides all the essential amino acids needed by athletes. Fortunately, phenylalanine can easily be obtained from other food sources such as beans, soya products and various nuts.
3. Low in Fat
The rice in our brown rice protein powder is sprouted, which helps to reduce the fat content. It can be mixed with a variety of foods and beverages to create a healthy protein-rich meal or snack. Because it is naturally free of dairy and all animal products, it’s suitable for vegans and vegetarians alike.
It’s also been shown to be easier on the digestive system than whey protein, especially for those with sensitive stomachs. This makes it a great option for anyone looking to build muscle or get more protein into their diet without any digestive issues. It also contains the essential amino acid leucine, which has been shown to stimulate muscle growth. On average, it takes 0.7-3 grams of protein to do this, so getting that amount with rice protein isn’t difficult and will provide the same results as whey.
4. Easy to Mix
Rice protein powder is easy to mix into a smoothie or add to your favourite recipe. It mixes easily with most liquids and doesn’t have a chalky texture like other plant proteins.
It’s also dairy free, gluten free and hypoallergenic which makes it a great option for those with dietary restrictions and allergies. Research has shown it can be as effective as whey protein in muscle protein synthesis but is often more gentle on the stomach.
Many vegan proteins have strong flavours that can cause digestive problems for some people, but rice protein has a subtle taste and blends well into most recipes without affecting the overall flavour. It can even be mixed into baking recipes.
5. Low in Calories
In its normal form, rice contains carbs, but protein powder manufacturers use enzymes to strip out these carbohydrates from the grain to leave a clean, low-calorie protein source. This is ideal for those who need to limit their carb intake or are trying to lose weight.
Brown rice protein powder is also considered easier to digest than whey and soy. This makes it a good choice for people who have dairy, soy, or gluten allergies or intolerances.