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The effect of glucose powder on babies

Direct supply of energy
Nutrients for normal growth and development of children, sugar, protein and fat are the three most important elements. Glucose is a simple sugar that can be used directly in the body. When the baby is 1 year old, various enzyme systems for digesting starch in the gastrointestinal tract are gradually perfected, which can quickly hydrolyze it into glucose, and absorb it into the blood in the small intestine. After absorption, it can be directly supplied with energy, or stored in the form of glycogen, and excess can be turned into fat.
The role of rapid nutritional supplementation
The human body usually does not eat glucose, and there is no shortage of glucose in the body, so there is no need to supplement it at ordinary times. However, when a child is sick or refuses to eat, and his body is extremely weak, a small amount of glucose can be taken in order to ensure the need of the child's basal metabolic calories.
Enhance appetite and digestive function
Practicing glucose powder can promote the secretion of salivary glands, enhance appetite and digestion, and is beneficial to the development of maxillofacial bones and teeth.