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The efficacy of rice protein

1. Nutritional value
The quality of rice protein is recognized as the best among cereal proteins. It is rich in essential amino acids, and the content of the first limiting amino acid lysine is higher than that of other cereal proteins. The amino acid composition mode is close to the WTO/FAO recommended mode, and it is easy to be digested and absorbed by the human body. . Compared with other cereal proteins, the biological value (BV) and protein utilization rate (PER) of rice protein are higher, the biological value can be as high as 77, and the protein utilization rate is 1.36%~2.56%, ranking first among all kinds of grains . The quality of rice protein is better than that of wheat protein and corn protein, it contains high-quality lysine, and has low allergies, making rice protein very suitable for the development of food for infants and young children. The amino acid composition pattern of rice protein is superior to that of casein and soybean protein isolate, and can meet the amino acid requirements of children aged 2 to 5. In addition, rice protein can be processed into soy sauce, high-protein powder, protein drink, peptone and protein foaming powder, etc. If it is degraded into short peptides or amino acids, it can be made into amino acid nutrient solution with high nutritional value for health drinks , condiments, food additives, etc.
2. Health function
The effects of antihypertensive and cholesterol-lowering rice protein isolate on the expression of cyp4a and cyp2c in young rat kidney can improve the metabolism of arachidonic acid and can be used as an antihypertensive component. The study found that rice protein isolate can increase the amount of messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNAs), which are responsible for the synthesis of two important proteins in the kidney, cyp2c11 and cyp2c23, which play a significant role in the metabolism of arachidonic acid and hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid. important role, and hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid is important in regulating blood pressure. Clinical studies have found that rice protein isolate can lower cholesterol. Rice contains many chemicals related to its protein composition, including tocopherol derivatives, tocotrienols, and oryzanol, which have a role in lowering cholesterol.
Preventing Chronic Disease A well-balanced, nutritious diet can prevent diseases such as heart disease and cancer. Asians are less likely to suffer from heart disease than Europeans, which may be related to Asians' staple food of rice. Relevant studies have found that rice protein isolate has a certain inhibitory effect on atherosclerosis in a mouse model of genetic hypercholesterolemia, and can reduce the damage of atherosclerosis to arteries. The mechanism of action is still unclear; experiments also show that eating rice can reduce heart attack rate.
The research results of Molita et al. on rice protein isolate (RPI) showed that dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA) fed with rice protein isolate induced the tumor weight of female mice to be lower than that of casein-fed mice, and rice isolate had anti-DMBA-induced tumor weight. carcinogenesis. In addition, rice protein isolate has a daily preventive effect on chemically induced breast cancer in rats. The physical and chemical properties of rice protein functional protein in the process of food processing, cooking, storage and sales, and the physical and chemical properties of environmental factors are collectively referred to as protein functionality. These physical and chemical properties often refer to protein water holding capacity, foaming property, emulsifying property, cohesiveness, and properties such as gel formation, fiber formation, and film formation are also considered to reflect the functional properties of proteins, which are affected by other coexisting substances in the protein composition, such as water, Physical and chemical properties under the influence of salt, sugar, fat, flavors, etc.