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What is rice starch maltose syrup?

Rice starch maltose syrup is a sweet syrup made from rice starch. The syrup is produced by breaking down the starch in rice into smaller sugars, such as maltose, using enzymes. The resulting syrup is a clear, sweet liquid that is used as a sweetener and thickener in food and beverage products.
Rice starch maltose syrup is made by hydrolyzing rice starch with enzymes such as amylase and glucoamylase. It has a low glycemic index and is used as a sweetener and thickener in a wide range of food and beverage products, including candy, soft drinks, and baked goods. It can also be used as an ingredient in fermented foods like soy sauce and miso, as well as in brewing beer.
Rice starch maltose syrup is considered a healthier alternative to other sweeteners because it has a low glycemic index, which means it does not cause a rapid spike in blood sugar levels. It also contains a small amount of minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and calcium.
Rice starch maltose syrup is commonly used in Japan, China, and Taiwan and other Asian countries, it can also be found in some health food stores around the world.
Rice starch maltose syrup is made by hydrolyzing rice starch with enzymes such as amylase and glucoamylase. The process starts by washing and milling the rice to obtain the starch. The starch is then mixed with water and enzymes and heated to a high temperature, typically around 130°C. The enzymes break down the starch into smaller sugars such as maltose, and the mixture is then cooled and filtered to remove any impurities.
The resulting syrup is a clear, sweet liquid that is used as a sweetener and thickener in food and beverage products. It is a viscous liquid, with a sweet taste and a mild aroma. Its color can vary from light yellow to brown depending on the level of hydrolysis.
Rice starch maltose syrup is considered a healthier alternative to other sweeteners because it has a low glycemic index, which means it does not cause a rapid spike in blood sugar levels. It also contains a small amount of minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and calcium.
The syrup is often used in confectionery, drinks, and other food products, it can also be used as a glaze or binder for snacks and other foods, and as a fermentation aid in brewing beer, and soy sauce making.