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Glucose Monohydrate and Dextrose

Glucose is a simple sugar that's a white crystalline powder. It is naturally occurring in a wide range of foods and is also widely used as a sweetener.
Glucose is a simple sugar, well soluble in water and sweet-tasting. It is used as a food ingredient, for example in candies or ice creams, and also in the manufacture of jellies, jams and marmalades. It is also a source of energy for cells. Glucose Monohydrate is involved in many cellular processes, including production of energy and formation of the glycans that provide structure to cells. It is also a component of the glucose-insulin system, which regulates blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.
It is produced by hydrolyzing starch or cellulose using alpha amylase or glucoamylase. In addition to crystalline dextrose, the process can produce maltooligosaccharides such as isomaltotriose and oligomaltose by reaction with fungal glucoamylases. Alternatively, the liquefaction of corn or wheat starch can be accomplished by treatment with the enzyme pullulanase, which debranches the polymer and produces high-glucose or high-maltose syrups (Nigam and Singh, 1995; Van Der Maarel et al., 2002).
These syrups are often used in the brewing, biscuit, soft drink and canning industries. They have a lower sweetening power than glucose syrup and higher water solubility. In addition, they can be reconstituted to form a low-alcohol distillate which can be used as a flavouring or as a preservative in canned goods.
Depending on their gluten content, these syrups may be exempt from allergen labelling under Directive 2007/68/EC. This directive states that cereal-based starch hydrolysates and products thereof "that are not likely to cause severe allergic reactions in the majority of individuals with coeliac disease or wheat allergy" can be permanently excluded from allergen labelling. The EFSA has stated that wheat-based glucose syrups and dextrose are not expected to cause such reactions in this group of individuals, although the risk is currently under further study. This opinion has been upheld by the European Commission. The Commission has now published an amended version of this directive, removing wheat-based glucose syrups and dextrose from the list of ingredients that must be labelled as containing gluten.
Dextrose is a sugar that comes from corn or wheat, and it’s chemically very similar to glucose, which is the main type of sugar in the bloodstream. It can be quickly used as energy by the body, and it’s often found in foods and processed products as a sweetener or preservative. It can have certain health benefits, but it’s also associated with several negative symptoms if you eat too much of it.
It can be produced by enzymatic hydrolysis of starch or inulin, and it’s then purified, concentrated and crystallized. It’s odorless and white, with a neutral flavor, and it can be used as a sweetener, an energy source, or as a bulking agent in many food and drink products. It’s also used in medical settings, where it’s given to people with hypoglycaemia or diabetes as a way of raising blood sugar levels very quickly.
Dextrose is one of the most versatile starch-based sweeteners, and it’s used in a wide variety of applications. It can be used to enhance the sweetness of chocolate milk beverages, improve freezing point depression in ice cream, and support browning in bread and biscuits. It’s also a key ingredient in chewing gum and candies, and it helps to keep powdered beverage drinks free flowing.
Dextrose is often used in gluten free recipes, and it can be a helpful alternative to sugar for those who have coeliac disease. However, some manufacturers may use it in combination with other types of sugar, so it’s important to check the label carefully before buying. On the other hand, it can be found in many non-gmo and organic products, so it’s a good choice for those who want to avoid GMOs. Moreover, it’s gluten free and vegan, as it isn’t produced using any animal feedstock.