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Glucose monohydrate is widely used as a sweetener and a source of quick energy in the food industry

Glucose monohydrate is widely used as a sweetener and a source of quick energy in the food industry. Due to its high solubility and sweet taste, it is an excellent alternative to sucrose (table sugar) and is often used in food and beverage products to enhance their sweetness and palatability.
Some of the ways glucose monohydrate is used as a sweetener and energy source in the food industry include:
    Confectionery: Glucose monohydrate is commonly used in the production of candies, chocolates, and other confectionery items to provide sweetness and improve the texture.
    Baked Goods: It is used in baking to add sweetness and improve the moisture retention in products like cakes, cookies, and pastries.
    Beverages: Glucose monohydrate is used in the formulation of various beverages, including energy drinks, sports drinks, and sweetened beverages, to provide a quick source of energy and improve taste.
    Ice Cream and Frozen Desserts: Glucose monohydrate is used in ice cream and frozen dessert products to prevent the formation of ice crystals and improve the overall texture.
    Canned Fruits and Vegetables: Glucose monohydrate can be used as a sweetener in canned fruits and vegetables to enhance their taste.
    Infant Formula: Glucose monohydrate is sometimes used in the production of infant formula to provide carbohydrates and sweetness.